WOSM edit



Micromanager is open-source microscope control software developed in the Vale Lab, UCSF. Micromanager supports a huge array of microscopes and devices, including the WOSM. We have developed the WOSM device driver with the 64-bit Windows version of Micromanager, so I recommend you get that version. We have done no testing with the Linux or 32-bit Windows version.

WOSM driver DLL

There is already a WOSM device driver in the micromanager folder mmgr_dal_WOSM.dll. It's currently out of date (my fault), you should replace it with a later version that you can find below.
Open the zip archive and drag the dll to your Micromanager folder, the folder is probably called C:\Program Files\Micro-Manager-2.0\.
Download the latest WOSM MM driver
NB. If you update micromanager, you may need to repeat this step.

FLIR / Point Grey cameras

If you are using a Chameleon3 or Blackfly USB camera from FLIR, you should install the Spinnaker SDK to communicate with the Micromanager Spinnaker device adapter.
This driver requires that you insall a specific version of the SDK (SpinnakerSDK_FULL_2.3.0.77_x64).
Details on how to do this can be found on the on the Micromanager Spinnaker page.


eduWOSM example config file

TIRF example config file